Start Here "Experienced, enthusiastic, capable and professional". "WEB understand our needs as a business". "A great experience. Knowledgable people who care". Get in touch Is this you? It's now far easier for a new entrant into the market to gain market share by building a business on AI first. 3 Willing to invest We're only affordable for those who see the potential of their own growth. 2 Long term vision AI needs time it's, not going to happen in a day. 1 Ambitious We look for ambitious people who can change but with realistic goals So whats the catch? WEB have a unique system but we don't just work with anyone, in factwe're quite selective. Working with a select few companies who have the best potential, we can dedicate all our energy to their growth and achieve the results we live for.So, here are our criteria. If you meet them, we know it's going to work: The evidence is Compelling By adopting AI technologies, firms have achieved remarkable results, from enhanced legal research and predictive analytics to automated contract analysis and improved decision-making. The potential to make this transformative story come true for your law firm is within reach. It's now far easier for a new entrant into the market to gain market share by building a business on AI first. AI's box of magic gifts Imagine having AI-powered tools as "magic gifts" at your disposal. These gifts empower you to overcome common obstacles faced by law firms, such as tedious document review, extensive research, and complex data analysis. With AI, you can conquer these challenges with ease, saving valuable time and resources. Build the promised land The adoption of AI in your law firm holds the key to unlocking the promisedland of increased efficiency, accuracy and productivity. By harnessing the power of AI, you can streamline processes, improve client experiences, and elevate your firm's capabilities to new heights. Clients expectationshave changed Personalised service Anywhere real time Good experience Ongoing value 2023 Relationship centric Artificial Intelligence Customer centric approach Practice management systems 2010 2000 Business got quicker Email + websites 1995 The way it was Pen & Paper + fax machine There'll be winners Embracing AI can lead to a clear disinction between winners and losers. Those who adapt and leverage AI technologies will gain a competitive edge, while those who resist change risk falling behind in this new era of legal services. In the evolving legal landscape, one transfomation that's undeniable: Artificial Intelligence. With it's vast potential, AI has become the game-changer that promises to revolusionise the way law firms operate. A big change just happened #shifthappens Designing new futures for law firms through thoughtful application of technology and design