Green Section.

Our green(ness) reflects who we are.

We put this bit in because we’re passionate about it, but also if you’re planning to work with us, you might want to know what kind of people you’re dealing with.

Well we like making things work – right down to the planet we live on. It probably started with that experiment we saw on Blue Peter; the one where you make a battery using a lemon. But we know that even as a small company, what we do has an impact on our environment. So we do what we can to limit that impact, with the simple aim of giving more than we take.

We recycle all these things:

  • Paper
  • Cardboard
  • Glass
  • Plastic bottles
  • Plastic bags
  • Cans
  • Printer cartridges
  • Old PCs

And we make lots of other little changes:

  • Our office cleaners use green cleaning products. 
  • We buy Fair Trade drinks. They’re nice too.
  • We’ve almost stopped using a fax machine and we don’t use photocopiers.
  • We print on office paper from either recycled or sustainable sources.
  • We stopped travelling by air for internal flights September 2006 and use the train.
  • We work from home when it’s practical.
  • We use energy and water sparingly.
  • Unless our customers request otherwise we use email to send all our quotes and other communications. The next stage will be to send our invoices via email. It’s quicker too.
  • Any document that needs to be printed is done so double sided to use as little ink as possible.

We know this bit isn’t really about our business, but we think it says a bit about who we are. Thanks for taking the time to read it.


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Founded in 1995, based in Edinburgh’s tech community, WEB is a company with a focus on simple digital products designed for Law Firms including AI and AI & machine learning chatbots – The team includes designers and software engineers.

Work in progress since 1995.
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